Making a World of Difference


WellFound Sierra Leone works in villages for up to three years until communities are self-sufficient and can maintain new water infrastructure and resources. 


For WellFound Sierra Leone, it is about more than just providing people with water. We recognise the power of water and the opportunity it brings to deliver lasting change.


Access to fresh water decreases water-borne diseases. The wells and latrines WellFound Sierra Leone have helped to install are saving lives every day.

Our Impact

WellFound Sierra Leone (WFSL) is a registered charitable company (SL71118WELLF04367) and in operation since 2018. We have supported over 30,000 people living in most remote and hard to reach areas of Sierra Leone.

People living in remote villages are disadvantaged by where they live. With very limited access to economic activities and isolated by distance, means that any progress in their lives is a challenge. WFSL help them in all possible ways to regain hope and prosper in life.

What We Do

WellFound Sierra Leone is a grass root charitable organisation, focuses on achieving sustainable progress on poorest people’s health, economy and equal societal status. We achieve this through partnership and shared vision.

Our numbers that speak

We have numbers that push us to give in our best and make sure that we break our own records. We are happy to be growing and helping more day by day.
Sanitation Facilities
Market Gardens